Monday, November 25, 2013

Modcloth's Stylish Surprise

Ever heard of ModCloth's Stylish Surprise sale?
I hadn't either until about a week ago. Like the photo above says, all you do is pay $15, select your size, and you're sent a random clothing item. After reading up on it a bit I had no choice but to buy myself 3. Four days of stalking the tracking email and one sleepless night later (waiting for them to come in was just like Christmas) the items finally arrived today!
Here's what I received:

First impression: Something floral! *squeel* Abstract print! *yay!* A wad of black something *hmmm*

Well, this is what they turned out to be:

The floral I was super pumped about turned out to be this lovely blouse. It's not something that I would necessarily be drawn to in a store or online, but I actually really like it. My only qualms are that the flowers on it are almost uncomfortably close to looking like a Hawaiian vacation shirt; and there is a weird ribbon on the collar that I'm not sure what to do with. *My boyfriend just told me he thinks the ribbon is cute when we make it into a bow at the very top (but I think it just looks dorky)* :p

I love, love, loved the pattern and colors of this dress. This piece is actually something that I would be drawn to in a store. The length of it is great, but it fits me a little big in the top, even though it's a small. I ended up throwing a fitted sweater on over it with a belt, and it looks fine like that. 

 This black dress is AMAZING. It fits so well and is ridiculously flattering. I only wish I had somewhere fancy to wear it to...

Overall I was really happy with my Stylish Surprises! I was really worried that (being only 5') I would end up with some really awkwardly long dress or skirt, or something a complete 180 from my regular style. It was almost like ModCloth knew me :)
I will definitely purchase from this sale again next time... hopefully I'll get this lucky again.

I couldn't find any of these items on ModCloth or other websites. If anyone knows where a link to them is, or the regular retail price, I would love to know.

Did you purchase a Stylish Surprise? If so, what did you get?!